
no one's guessed it yet

Well, as I expected. My obscure blog title has not been figured out by anyone yet...

I'm going to start giving hints, ok? Depending on how many hints you used, I will downgrade the prize, at my discretion. :)

Hint #1 : in kind

Hint #2 : then

Hint #3 : link to

Hint #4 : practically a spoiler

If you want to give your guesses by way of the comments, then we can see who guesses it first.


120°, baby

Do you have a meat thermometer? Take it and stick it under the tap, and run just your hot water. Let it get really hot (2 minutes), and then see what temperature your hot water is.

While you're doing that, here are some interesting statistics to keep in mind.

Temperature of Water // Time to Cause a Bad Burn
150°F (66°C) 2 seconds
140°F (60°C) 6 seconds
125°F (52°C) 2 minutes
120°F (49°C) 10 minutes
*** time listed is for adults, for children it will be less time

Right after Tasha got scalded (reached up for a cup of hot water), I checked out the hot water temp at home. It was something that I had been meaning to get around to, but hadn't done yet. I was pretty surprised to find that the hot water temperature, which I didn't think was that hot, was 144°F. So less than 6 seconds to cause a bad burn... not good.

So if you can control your hot water temperature, take some time to set it to 120°F. It will be worth it, somewhere down the line.






allergy test

So Jackie had her allergy test yesterday, and as we suspected she's got nut allergies. She's also positive for cats, so it seems like between her and Tasha we won't be getting either a cat or a dog as pets...

She was so brave for her test too, which they did on her arm. She thought it was ok when the marked the spots on her arm with a pen. She got a little concerned when they put the droplets of the various allergens on. And then when the lancet came out to prick each spot, she squirmed and cried, but she made it. The nurse told her to close her eyes and not look, but it didn't seem to help. I'm not sure whether it's better to see it coming or to not see it coming. I'm of the disposition that I like to see it coming, and I steel myself for the pain. Like when I have blood drawn, I have to look. And then take slow breaths and try to relax as I see the blood spurting into the little vial... nice blood... pretty vial... shiny needle... *falls over*

What the nuts thing means, most painfully, besides the peanut butter issue (we found an excellent soy nut butter substitute... it's amazing) is that we can't go out for Thai with them, because there's usually peanuts in all of their dishes. Maybe it will be something that Nance and I go out for by ourselves... oh well. It's definitely easier to have both kids nut free than to have one and not the other. I have to say, living with allergies has become sort of second nature to us now. We were a bit sad when Tasha came up with all these allergies, but discovering a number of our friends who also have similar allergies has helped us a lot. It's nice to have someone who understands, and with whom you can share the latest discovery of a wheat/dairy/egg/nut free treat!!

< ! digression -- Jackie has adopted this annoying trend to talk like a baby, deliberately slurring her pronunciation and tawking wike dis... IT'S SO ANNOYING!!!! I suppose I should be glad that she's able to do voices/impersonations, but it really drives me nuts. I threatened to speak to her only in Chinese if she keeps it up, so that if she really wants to experience what it's like to be a baby (another thing she says she wants to be: "I want to go back to a baby") then she can learn a whole new language like a baby would... I'm not sure if that's the smartest threat to make, because I'll be forced to speak Chinese to her... hmmm... maybe not such a good plan /digression !>


good guess

I made a little contest to see who could guess what "twopuffsofair" refers to... so far I've received the following responses... all of which are incorrect:

1) "2 puffs so far represents 2 children so far"
2) "2 beautiful fair little girls"
3) "asthma, puffer"
4) "does it refer to pokemon?"
5) "puffs of air...i couldn't resist...is it in reference to the fleetingness of our lives?"
6) "method for cleaning your camera lens/sensor, etc."
7) "how to give air when doing CPR on an infant (5 compressions to 2 puffs of air)"
8) "when you go get your eyes checked at the optometrist they use a machine that puffs your eyes with air?"
9) "the two breaths that God breathed into you & Nancy and Jackie & Tasha to give you life (Gen2:7)?"

I particularly like number 7 (Jon Chant gets honourable mention), but it has absolutely nothing to do with that...



today I got to Naruto 157 or something like that. My friend Ed said that there was a whole season or so of just filler episodes, and I think I know what he means now. For example, they just did a 3 or 4 part series where the thing that saved everybody was "The Curry of Life". Now, I don't know if it's just the subtitles, but "The Curry of Life"? c'mon, I never thought that curry would feature so prominently in a ninja anime...

When is the real action going to come back? Where is Sasuke? Jiraiya? when is Naruto going to learn to do Rasengan without a clone helping him? I guess I'll have to catch up to the current episode (19x) to find out...

Do You Naruto?


dragging your feet

I don't know if it was just Nancy going back to work after being off last week, but Jackie just was so difficult to get moving this morning. At every stage of getting ready, from getting dressed to brushing her teeth, or putting on her shoes, she was fooling around, doing other stuff, talking to herself... it was really annoying because I was trying to get them out of the house. Some days it's good, some days it's bad. I guess I should have expected this today, being the first "work day" for Nancy in almost 2 weeks.

Last week was great, we went down to St. Louis for Jeff's wedding. I was leading worship and Nancy was playing piano, so we didn't bring the kids with us. It was a nice break. Also very nice was the chance to spend some time with Ben & Melody and Isabelle in Grand Rapids, if only for a night.

(and of course, I picked up my Nikon D200... woo hoo... I couldn't believe it came without a charger tho... oh well...)