
the 'benefits' of renewing early

So I got a new phone today from Telus... even though my contract wasn't up till August, I guess they want to lock in their customers before the ability to keep your number with any cell service comes into effect. (And K practically pushed me into the Telus store) :0 Anyway, whatever the reason, good for me. I got a Nokia 6265i for $30 with a 3 year contract. And 3 months of free unlimited local calling as a bonus. That's pretty cool.

Now I just need a Mac with Bluetooth so I can transfer stuff onto the phone, and I'm golden. Get a new computer just to use the phone... there's something vaguely unsettling about this line of reasoning... LOL.

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sliding down

what passes for dinner conversation at our house:

T: Can me go sliding down the riverbank?

N: What?

J: Like Franklin?

N: No!

T: Why?

N: Because you'd get all dirty. The riverbank is very muddy.

T: Oh. If me clean it can I slide?

E: (laughing uproariously)

N: Ok, if you can clean it, you can slide.

T: I can wipe it...

E:You can wipe it?

T: with a napkin....

(everyone laughing)

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careful how you praise your kids

An interesting article in New York Magazine:


It's not surprising that what we tell our kids has such profound impact on them, but it is surprising that a seemingly positive statement can have a negative effect. An interesting article on a complex issue, and interesting from a parents or educators point of view.

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realistic evaluations

I registered J for JK a few days ago. A very cold and windy morning, a prelude to the blizzard that hit us that evening. I filled out the form, which had a surprising number of questions on it. Besides the contact information and phone numbers, there were questions about physical development, sharing, how your child behaves when angry or frustrated, how you as a parent respond, language development, and so on. J's language is pretty advanced, so I checked off 'yes' to every question. Does she speak to adults? Do adults understand her speech? Do peers understand her speech?

I felt like I was taking a test, as though my ability to fill out the form properly was a measure of how good a parent I am. Do you remember when she said her first word? Before 12 months, 12-18 months, 18-24 months? Her first sentence? When did she first properly use the conditional perfect continuous verb tense? Ok, I'm kidding about the last one. Well, I mean, about them asking that on the form, anyway.

Our concern is that J will be bored in JK. However, I'm sure she'll find lots of fun things to do, and we know there's more to learning than the 3 R's. To some extent, we expect the increased socialization and being involved in a structured routine will be good for her. And as much as I think she's a wunderkind, I often have to remind myself to allow her just to be four years old, and not to push advanced things on her even though she can handle it. I don't want to rob her of the simple pleasure of being a kid by making things really pressured and academic. So I relax, I stop worrying about whether she should really be in Grade 1, or if she's going to be some pre-teen university grad, or wonder what her IQ is. I take a deep breath. I look at the snow outside and do NOT think about how now would be a good time to teach her about the different kinds of snow, or remind her that water has three forms depending on temperature, or blah blah blah. Instead, and to her delight, I ask, "Hey. You wanna make a snow angel?" :)

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nearly the most awesome funny thing i've seen

My wife found this and asked me to post it, so here it is. Dancing Sushi!


Needless to say, the children loved it.

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because I'm an audio nerd

Check this out:

The story behind the "Wilhelm scream"

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(yet another) new blog

I'm splitting up. Just me, though, don't worry. From now on, all the tech/camera/computer stuff is going to be on my photography site blog, which I just launched this week. Here you'll still find the kids stuff, the parenting stuff, and most of the Mac stuff. Photography stuff will be here:


I hope you find it enjoyable, and hopefully I won't bore you to tears over here with my camera/printer/Lightroom ramblings. :) cheers!

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Recently I was playing with J with an old baskteball rim and a bouncy ball... I held the rim against my stomach and she shot the ball. She was surprisingly a pretty good shot... I was impressed.

Later on, she mentioned that she would like a baskteball hoop in the backyard. My wife replied that we couldn't until we fixed up the backyard, because the pavement is uneven.

"Remember last summer, the ground is all bumpy, and you scraped your knee? We'll have to wait till we do the backyard."

J thought about it for a moment.

"Mommy? I'm ok with scraping my knee."


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Oh man I can't wait...

What to expect with Lightroom 1.0

Photoshop Lightroom, Adobe's workflow management tool for photographs, ships in two weeks. Rick LePage runs down the latest changes to the public beta and previews what's coming in version 1.0 of Lightroom.

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APPL and Apple Corp. reach agreement


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now i've gone and done it

well, I did it. I plunked down my hard earned money and pre-ordered my very own copy of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 1.0. Why, you ask? Why am I not towing the Apple party line, and using Aperture? Well, for one thing, I can't run Aperture on any of my machines, they're too slow. And when I saw the demo of Lightroom's newest editing features, I was sold. I already like the workflow in Aperture A LOT, so now that I could conceivably stay in Lightroom for most of the light editing and touch ups on my images, I was sold.

I am told that v1.0 will be FASTER than the beta versions, something that I'm hoping will eke a few more months of performance out of my current machines. I really want a MacBook Pro, but I'll wait as long as I can. I mean, why get one now with only 2 cores? The 4 core one shouldn't be too far away... THEN it'll really fly.

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