
worth it

After a whole day of being loud, fighting, not sharing, getting time outs, not using your 'inside' voice, being rude, jumping on the bed, putting cherry covered hands in your hair, getting your sister to jump on her bed, choosing mommy over daddy, telling us over and over that you "hate" your blue slippers, staying up late...

we put you to bed, and we read our stories, pray, and say good night, and I get

a hug

a kiss

and an "I love you"...

and somehow the whole day is worth it.

Daddy loves you.

Blogged with Flock

1 comment:

soygreentlatte said...

What a great post! Thanks for giving us hope that having kids & raising a family won't be too bad :)

BTW, are you ever going to reveal what the name of your blog means??