
breakfast table conversations

J: Why did Jesus die?

E: Just a minute.

J: What?

E: I'm writing an email, just a minute.

J: O-kay. It'll just be a second.

J: (answering her own question) To save us from our sins?

E: Right, to save us from our sin.

J: Not only Jesus died, in the story, two other people died with him. Two robbers.

E: Yes. But they died because they had done something wrong, they were robbers. But Jesus died not because he did anything wrong.

J: He died to save us from our sin.

E: Right, and if we believe in him, and follow him, we are saved.

J: Does he have to die again?

E: No just once, for all time.

J: I think he died because he knew we didn't want to die.

E: Yeah, if we believe in him and follow him, we are saved, right? And we go to heaven.

J: Right.

J: Dad?

E: Mmmm?

J: I don't want any more toast. I'm full.

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