
what does it mean

If your child is writing words in mirror writing, ie. backwards and reversed, what does that mean? J will do this occasionally, without noticing. When you ask her, she'll go, "Oh yeah. Oops." and kind of laugh and shrug. Today at a friend's house she arranged alphabet magnets into her name, but again, in mirror mode. Save for the J, it's possible because the capital letters that make up her name will be in mirror mode if you rotate them 180°. (Try it, you'll see what I mean.)

Should I be worried about dyslexia? Or is this just an active mind at work?


terri said...

if she is about 5ish or younger, don't worry about it.

It is common for young writers to write letters and words backwards at times. Initially they may not even realize that the letters of a word are supposed to be directly next to each other. Spacing between words are also problematic.

Learning to write in a specific manner is like learning to tie shoes--it takes practice and struggling with the form to get it right and do it with ease.

Duncan and Jen said...

Two words: Leonardo DaVinci!