
does anyone who designs cell phones...

... actually work in a professional environment? Because if they did, they'd realize that a billion musical ringtones and only ONE NORMAL RING doesn't cut it!! Fiesta? Nocturnal? Espionage? Come on...

Seriously, I just want my cell phone to ring like a phone. Call me old fashioned. Call me grumpy. Call me "concerned with maintaining a certain level of professionalism". On my new phone (Nokia 6265i) there's only one "real" ringtone, condescendingly called "Agency", and while it's a real ring, I don't care for it.

This is a call... for help!


DBush said...

Hey there grumpy pants!

J/K I totally know what you mean....I usually keep mine on Vibrate.

Reformed Jerk said...

I like My Humps, the remix addition. That ring tone always gets me attention, and in a professional setting, I imagine such attention will lead to praise and promotions.